[Just got this from one of the organizers. Why not have a vigil in your community? --BG]
United, we, the community stand
"No one is expendable!"
With over a thousand counted dead and hundreds (especially children) still listed as missing,
We call for Candle Light Vigils -
Sunday, October 30 at 6pm
in every local community that can.
Two months to the day after the flooding of New Orleans - we gather to share our grief, our ongoing commitment to each other (no one of any race or class is expendable!) and to a healthy environment and a just and therefore, peaceful society for all!
In this we stand united.
Where is our national government's call to stand united in the face of this tragedy? This unnatural disaster?
After 9/11, they called for us to come together as a country, to stand in vigil together, to rebuild together - is it that they do not need to drum up nationalism to get us into a war, that they have forgotten our need to come together as a country to support the survivors of this disaster?
Since the US Government is already returning to business as usual (big "rebuilding" contracts for their friends, tax breaks for the wealthy, cuts in services for and rolling back the rights of the rest of us), we call for unity. We call out to our sisters and brothers, who are low-income, who are people of color - You are not expendable - you will never be expendable to the rest of the community, the moral community, the community of compassion and concern - which is most of us in this country!
Candlelight Vigils:
Boston - Dudley Square,
Sunday, October 30th, 6pm
United we stand - in our grief, our commitment to each other and in our call for justice!
The New Abolitionists/March to Abolish Poverty www.abolishpoverty.net
Economic Human Rights Project
Michigan Welfare Right Union
National Welfare Rights Union
Reply to: Econhmnrts AT aol DOT com
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