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Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Hello, Ben.

I came over from Rachel's Tavern to pay a visit.

You have a wonderful site.

Thanks so much for the information on Ms. Linda Dehnad's passing. I will send an e-mail of condolence to her husband, Mr. Scott B. Smith today.

It is so easy for many of us to forget all the many brave men and women, black and white, who came together to fight for the rights of black people in their struggle to obtain the most basic of human rights so long denied them.

Even to this day, I have not forgotten them, Viola, Vernon, Medger, Fannie, Ella and so many I can name.

I owe them all a debt which I can never pay, and as the right to vote was the most precious thing in the world to them, I never let my chance to exercise my right to vote pass me by.

For if not for all the sacrifices all those wonderful people did, today, I still would not have the right to vote.

I thank them all, God rest their souls.

Ben G.

Ann, thanks for your comments and your sympathy. Rachel has a great site, so it's always nice to get some of her readers over here.



Thans for taking up for me over at Rachel's.

I also support the men and women who wear the uniform to defend our country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

And I do not need to tear down and disparage another poster just because they voice a different viewpoint from me. It is one thing to voice a different view; it is another to show extreme stupidity and disrespect. The question Rachel posed was in essence what do you hold true that is good of America, and I stated my answer.

That this tombstone person felt it had to attack me, said mountains about her/his lack of knowledge of tomorrow's holiday:

July the 4TH.


Not slavery day; not fascism day; not nazism day. Not my way, and you are wrong day.


Anyway, Ben, have a great and safe Fourth of July!

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