(Via Mark Crispin Miller.)
Produced by Kanye West & Jon Brion
Words by Big Mon and Damien a/k/a Dem Knock-Out Boyz
Higher quality downloads originally posted:
The Legendary K.O. delivers powerful message against George W. Bush Through Song “George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People” Receives Widespread AcclaimAs the world has seen and heard by now, rapper Kanye West expressed his frustration at the Katrina relief efforts and his thoughts on U.S. President George W. Bush last week during a nationally televised benefit. While his thoughts and statement have received much attention, a rap group from Houston, The Legendary K.O., has taken it one step further and recorded a song, entitled “George Bush Don't Like Black People”, using the Kanye West “Gold Digger” instrumental.
The song, available for free download through www.k-otix.com , received over 10,000 downloads in the first day alone, with listeners ranging from the U.S. to Europe and Japan.
Legendary K.O. member Micah Nickerson lives minutes away from the Astrodome, where many Katrina victims are being housed, came up with the song concept immediately after hearing Kanye West's remarks.
“I had really wanted to write about this in the first-person, as someone stuck in New Orleans and left by this administration to basically fend for myself, but was having trouble putting the emotions I felt into words. When I heard Kanye during the benefit, the rest as they say was history,” said Micah.
The song was recorded and included on a friend's web site promoting new music from various artists (www.fwmj.com). Within a day, his site was overwhelmed with the traffic, as users were flocking to download the song.
Damien Randle, the other member of The Legendary K.O., says that the song expresses their and many others feelings about this administration.
“No matter which side of the political debate we reside on, I think we can all agree that this situation represents the ultimate human tragedy, and highlights the need for sweeping improvements in some of the most fundamental segments of society. The safety and well-being of all people should always be considered first, and we felt compelled to express that through song,” said Damien.
The Legendary K.O. is not staying on the sidelines during this tragedy, making music, but not taking action. Micah and Damien have also donated food, clothes, and time to local organizations and urge anyone that has not donated to please do so.
Their actions have also caught the attention of numerous media outlets, including MTV.com: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1509274/20050909/mos_def.jhtml?headlines=true
The group is also available for print, radio, and TV interviews. To set-up interviews now, please contact The Legendary KO at [email protected]
Suggested sites for donations:
United Way - http://www.uwtgc.org/index.html
Keep voting Democrat and you'll keep getting slums and promises. Democratic Mayor and Democratic Governor and Democratic Senator and nobody knows what to do in a hurricane. Democrats don't care about blacks is the truth of the matter but keep the faith, Baby.
LLoyd Trawick
221 Lakeway Drive
Fort Worth, Tx 76126
born in Madison Parish, La.
Posted by: Lloyd Trawick | Sunday, April 23, 2006 at 10:25 AM
This is the biggest copp out i have ever heard. I you don't like something that is happening in the government than go run for public office and stop complaining about it. Bush doesn't hate black people anymore than he hates his home state of Texas. Grow up and stop voting democrat if you want any production to come. All of you must realize that Bush has accomplished exponentially greater feats than any other president in modern history. What did Bill Clinton do for us? Not a damn thing. At least with Bush we no longer must worry about a threat from Saddam Huessain. I think anybody who disagrees with this obvious fact should be burned at the stake for treason. Every politcally inactive idiot who sits around and complains about this and that and how so and so discriminates based on race, sex, sexuality or any other petty issue. Stop trying to pitty yourselves and make a change. And for all of you black people who think you are treated differently than white people that's because you are. If you want to be treated like a white person start acting like a white person and start respecting yourselves.
Posted by: Corey M. | Monday, July 03, 2006 at 04:32 PM
Lloyd I'm happy you wrote what you did because it really makes it easy to see how it is possible for humans to commit such atrocities as hanging black people from trees because they were "disrespectful", or how millions of Jews were killed because they were not the same race as you obviously are. The fact of the matter is that you are right people do need to grow up, but you as well as everybody needs to realize that they don’t give a shit about you(white trash), black people, Hispanics or anybody who does not share their monetary wealth. Grow up and understand that this country doesn’t give a shit about its military personnel because if it did, they would have thought twice about Iraq and planned it like any military person would tell you not to go into a situation unprepared because you will not comeback. Yes we should all grow up but in your effort to enlighten everybody on responsibilities of civic duty you forget about your number one duty to keep our democracy alive is to question your government and stop being such a nice little cheerleader for a government that send kids to their death and kills civilians because they are not "respecting themselves by acting more American"
Posted by: JHernandez | Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 12:27 AM