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Thursday, August 18, 2005



I think that the point about the Stabat Mater is exactly spot-on.

Cdn Looking South

Cindy Sheehan's stance gets more interesting the deeper you look at her position. Parents who do not support the war and lose their children to it have a complicated grieving process to withstand. That the US government and ideology (personified by the President) exerted more influence on her son's decision to enlist than she is a lonely mourning to endure for a parent. We expect her to have conflicting notions rather than polished messages on point. The right-wing will use her dirty little contradictions to every advantage and sounding the ant-semiticism alarm is a very effective reactionary tactic. Which is why I come here to Hungry Blues for thoughtful reflection in a time when inconsolable mothers of the dead are provoking thought, discussion and action.

Cdn Looking South

P.S. Since we're talking about hymns, allow me to post the lyrics of Mourn & Organize, my own lament written within the traditon of music that Hungry Blues honors. Ms. Sheehan has certainly taken Joe Hill's words to heart.

Are you blind to the people who march for our rights?
Are you deaf to the sound of our cries?
Are you haunted at all by a death in the night?
And we who mourn and organize
We Mourn and Organize

Votes can be taken and bills can be passed
You say it's a fair compromise
But everyday our future looks more like our past
So we mourn and organize
We Mourn and Organize

Did you sign the marching papers with blood as your ink?
Cross all of the T's, dot your I's
There's more to consider than you care to think
So we mourn and organize
We Mourn and Organize

We've watched as you've taken our children away
We've listened to all of your lies
We'll be here tomorrow as we were yesterday
To mourn and organize
We Mourn and Organize

written by Laurie Bell, Toronto, Canada


I definitely should consider the sensitivity of the feelings entangled.


it seems that this is a rightwing tactic.

Ben G.

Hey Brandon. You are sometimes terse to a fault. Do you mean changing the subject when folks compain of antisemitism, racism, sexism, etc? I'm actually talking about how people on the left do it, too. Could you claify?

studyholic here

Hello Ben G.,

Thank you for your extremely insightful post. I too have been delayed with, well, "studying."

DK is right on--that is, DK is extremely correct--in characterizing Cindy as a media-symbol, as a Stabat Mater. The uncomfortable Christ-associations are apt in terrifically and painfully ironic ways that dovetail with the anti-Semitism of her comment, if she in fact made it (see further comments below).

Beginning your post with the lyric, with the liturgy, underscored this irony in a way that it seems an activist-poet like yourself knows intimately.

The rich discursive nature of your posts are different than other political blogs. I like the HuffingtonPost (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/) because of the length taken to express ideas in all their thorniness. It is quite partisan though, but not without true reason. I also adore http://www.becker-posner-blog.com/, a dual-blog authored by a well-known judge (Posner) and a Nobel prize winning sociologist and economist (Becker), and I like their blog-essays even though I often disagree with the manner in which they shrink many ideas into capitalist economics.

Thus, this is my way of thanking you for the depth and complexity of your response and for your continuing coverage of this issue.

Quick update, because hearing Cindy's actual words within her own context may be important:

Here's Sheehan on the truth about her comments about israel:

“I did not say that my son died for Israel. I have never said it, I don't think it, I don't believe it. It is just another lie, smear tactic from the right. It needs to die right now. It's not the truth. I stand by everything that I have said. But I will not stand by things that I haven't said. I am not anti-Semitic. I am just anti-killing. George Bush is responsible for killing so many people, but nobody scrutinizes anything he says, especially leading up to the war. Since there is nothing to smear me about with the truth, they have to tell lies. A former friend who is anti-Israel and wants to use the spotlight on me to push his anti-Semitism is telling everyone who is listening that I believe that Casey died for Israel and has gone so far as to apparently doctor an email from me. People have to know that he doesn't speak for me. ABC Nightline can't confirm his email is real and therefore any reporting on it is irresponsible. That is not my issue. That is not my message and anyone who knows me knows it doesn't sound like me.”

Also read the posts that context the quote above on her blog:


You are correct that the statement that Cindy made, if correct, invites charges of anti-Semitism and your socio-historical-personal context and examples enlighten me further.

On a philosophical level, I guess what pains me the most is the tremendous gap of understanding, spiritually and intellectually, between what the media presents to us--and I mean all factions of television, radio, etc--and the struggle, the error, the pain--the "essai," or trail as the French may say, and "essai" is French derivation of "essay"--that comes when we try to speak in an "unmediated" fashion (an impossibility, I know) with sustained life-long activist-reasoning.

Please forgive me if my rhetoric there was opaque. Graduate schools teach you to write that way. Let me distill this last statement to this question:

How can we speak in ways that demand careful listening and not the quick partisan fix of today's media?

We are, in fact, not cut-out, so-to-speak, on any one day as socio-politically perfect people. We evolve.

I'd like to think, Ben G., that we "come to consciousness" over and over again as we wrestle with issues and problems.

I guess what is so damn compelling about your blog is that it presents a rare record of one man who is coming to consciousness over and over again about civil rights both here and in the world.

How sad, therefore, that there are *few* forums in the political firestorm surrounding Cindy's stand where she can talk at length about her reasoning without her words being spun like Charlotte's web. How sad that there are few outlets within the media today where we can also all talk at length about the uncomfortable cultural criss-crossings that inform America's troubled relationship with the rest of the world, and the Middle East's intra-cultural politics.

We all, I submit, need Anthropological training.

While some encourage divisive and monolithic political positioning, blogs, in some respects, when well-written, help to fill this discursive void in today's partisan-rich media.


Ah, well I was just observing-- I happened to take in a few right-of-center shows on television a few days back, and more than most did not fail to bring up the topic of Cindy Sheehan and antisemitism. My reasoning is that they have tried to make this a story to deflect from what she is there to do.


I am sorry, I don't buy into what she is selling. This is garbage:

A former friend who is anti-Israel and wants to use the spotlight on me to push his anti-Semitism is telling everyone who is listening that I believe that Casey died for Israel and has gone so far as to apparently doctor an email from me. People have to know that he doesn't speak for me. ABC Nightline can't confirm his email is real and therefore any reporting on it is irresponsible. That is not my issue. That is not my message and anyone who knows me knows it doesn't sound like me.”

Talk about convoluted and ridiculous. But let's say that it is the truth as ridiculous as it may be. Here is another piece of the puzzle that bothers me. Here is a link to the Crawford Peace House. As you can see it lists a number of grievances against Israel. I don't have a problem with criticism provided that it is balanced, but there is not a single thing questioning/condemning Palestinian terror.

Today I read a story and blogged about Hamas's admission to committing the majority of 400 terror attacks in Gaza during the past 5 years. That is only Gaza and doesn't take into account terrorist attacks outside of Gaza. That is hundreds of deaths and the Crawford Peace House that Cindy works with cannot acknowledge any Palestinian blame.

And then she has the lack of moral clarity to compare Rumsfeld to Stalin and Hitler, not to mention she calls Bush the biggest terrorist in the world.

That is just intellectual dishonesty and moral bankruptcy.

It is so easy to go provide legitimate criticism regarding the actions of the administration and she just blows it. I am sorry that she lost a child, but she has serious problems. Her credibility is nonexistent.

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