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Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Donna Ladd

Thanks, Ben, for sending people to my story and the thread. It it a good example of Mississippians coming together in a very positive way. Tonight, Stephanie and I collected money for the tombstone at a gathering of the M.A.P. Coalition, a new coalition of musicians here of all races. People were throwing as little as a dollar into the bowl, and many of the young black musicians were thanking us for doing this story.

One only correction to your story above: We didn't do this story after Dunn Lampton said he was going to look at those cases. He made that decision during Thomas' trip here, as a result of it apparently. That happened several days into our story, and it is very exciting.

Thanks again.

Ben G.

Thanks for the correction, Donna. I'll add it at the bottom of the post, so it appears on the main page.

And yes, quite a wonderful example of Missippians coming together in good ways.

Susan Klopfer

Next stop, Birdia Keglar, Adelina Hamlet and Sonny Boy (James) Keglar? Daisy Savage and grandson? Cleve McDowell? There are so many more. Meanwhile, what a great job, Donna - thanks to the entire team. We needed that!

Susan Klopfer

Oh, oh. This just in:

Civil rights groups cite concerns over Roberts
Question record on voting, busing

By Charlie Savage, Globe Staff | July 22, 2005

WASHINGTON -- Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. has a history of working to roll back government affirmative action and voting rights programs enacted to help minorities overcome the effects of past discrimination, leading some civil rights groups to eye him warily...
* * * *

L'est we forget ... This issue is coming up and if we mean business about civil rights, then our concern must be with voting rights, as well... since this is why so many of these murders occured during the 50s and 60s in the first place.

We need to let our illustrious senators know how we feel about this nominee.

Support of the Voting Rights Act reauthorization will be a critical issue in the next few years and we already know how Bush feels. We cannot afford to go backwards again. Mississippi can lead the way, for a change, if we let dear old Trent and Thad know how we feel starting now.

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