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Friday, March 11, 2005


Susan Klopfer

Fascinating. Here's one reason why. On the same day in 1966 that Vernon Dahmer was killed in Hattiesburg, and Birdia Keglar and Adlema Amlett were killed in a "car accident" in Leflore County, J. Edgar Hoover for the first time was visiting the FBI’s new Mississippi headquarters in Jackson for the grand opening.

These murders took place just as the HUAC hearings on the Klan in Mississippi were opening.

Keglar and Amlett were civil rights activists from Tallahatchie County. Keglar, John Doar's first voting rights test case in 1961, was decapitated in the accident. Three months later, her son was trying to resolve what happened to his mother and ended up dying in a house fire (after he'd been hit on the head).

There are so many more murders in the Mississippi Delta that are unresolved... not just Till and the three Neshoba volunteers. This state needs to be held accountable.

Susan Klopfer

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