A National Teach-In
On the 2004 election and what we must do to restore democracy
With Bob Fitrakis
Ohio Attorney, Editor, Free Press of Columbus OH
with Lynn Landes, Jonathan Simon, Medea Benjamin, Larry Bensky, Butch Wing, Emily Levy
Jim March (Black BoxVoting), Kathy Dopp (US Count Votes), John Gideon, (VotersUnite!), Bob Kibrick, (VerifiedVoting) and many more!
scroll down for complete program listing
Saturday, Feb. 26th
10am - 4pm
1st Congregational Church
2501 Harrison St. Oakland
$10 suggested donation
please bring lunch
Program Overview
I. The Arc Of Justice: We've Been Here Before
* DVD excerpt: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., "Martyrs of the Civil Rights Movement"
* Lynn Landes, journalist, "How America Used to Vote"
* John Gideon, VotersUnite!, "Analysis of HAVA Misinformation in the Press"
II. Voter Suppression
* DVD excerpt: "Columbus Ohio Election Day Footage", by Linda Byrket, http://www.votecobb.org/video/#video5
* Bob Fitrakis, Free Press (Columbus, Ohio), "The Taking of Ohio Prior to Nov. 2"
* Emily Levy, Project Coordinator for Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D., "Ohio--How the Election was Stolen"
* Warren Stewart, National Ballot Integrity Project, "Recounting New Mexico"
5 Minute Stretch
III. What Happened In 2004: Exit Polls - Were They Right?
* DVD excerpt: Susan Truitt, Ohio attorney
* Jonathan Simon, Alliance for Democacy, "The Edison/Mitofsky Report: The Bottom Line You Won't Hear on Nightline"
* Allyson Washburn, US Countvotes.org, "An Alternative Explanation for the Exit Poll Discrepancy: Fraudulent Vote Tallies"
* Larry Bensky, KPFA, "The Disappearing Media"
IV. The Age of the Machines
* Jim March, BlackBoxVoting.org, "How to Hack a Diebold Vote Tabulator"
* Wayne Madsen, journalist, "The Privatization of the Vote"
Lunch (45 Minutes)
V. Litigation
* Paul Lehto, Washington attorney, "Verifying Democracy 101: Sue First, Ask Questions Later"
* Bob Fitrakis, Free Press, "History of Moss v. Bush, the Sanctions, Future Legal Actions"
VI. Legislation
* Butch Wing, political director, Rainbow PUSH, "Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s Constitutional Amendment Guaranteeing the Right to Vote"
* Bob Kibrick, Verifiedvoting.org, "Pending Federal Legislation for Electoral Reform"
* Sharon Cornu, Alameda County Central Labor Council, "Organized Labor and Election Reform"
* Medea Benjamin, Code Pink, "A Voters' Bill of Rights"
VII. Action
* Walter Riley, community activist, "Organize County by County, Precinct by Precinct"
* Lynn Landes, journalist, "A Paper Ballot is the Only Solution"
* Alan Dechert, Open Voting Consortium, "Open Source Code Machines"
* Kathy Dopp and Allyson Washburn, UScountvotes.org, "A Plan to Restore Democratic Elections by 2006"
* Open Microphone -- Share proposals and join in citizen action to reclaim electoral democracy
This Teach-In has been organized by the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, http://democraticrenewal.us
and the MMOB (Mainstreet Moms Operation Blue), http://www.themmob.com.
For full program details, click here: http://www.wellstoneclub.org/involve/teachin.htm
If you plan to be attend, please click here to send an RSVP
(say Yes! in the subject line)
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Dan Ashby
e-mail: [email protected]
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