Text of letter is here [html] and here [pdf, scanned original].[truthout] Editor’s Note | Any who wish to see this hearing receive wide attention should contact their Senators and Representatives and ask that they attend. Furthermore, any who wish to see this hearing receive wide attention should contact the television network C-SPAN and ask them to broadcast the event in its entirety. C-SPAN accepts suggestions for events to be broadcast at [email protected]. The network can also be contacted via telephone at (202) 737-3220. - wrpConyers to Hold Hearings on Ohio Vote Fraud
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | ReportFriday 03 December 2004
Democratic Representative John Conyers, Jr. of Michigan, ranking Minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, will hold a hearing on Wednesday 08 December 2004 to investigate allegations of vote fraud and irregularities in Ohio during the 2004 Presidential election. The hearing is slated to begin at 10:00 a.m. EST in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington DC.
Democratic Representatives Melvin Watt and Robert Scott will also be centrally involved with the hearing. Rev. Jesse Jackson will be in attendance, along with Ralph Neas (President, People for the American Way), Jon Greenbaum (Director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law), Ellie Smeal (Executive Director, The Feminist Majority), Bob Fitrakis ( The Free Press), Cliff Arnebeck (Arnebeck Associates), John Bonifaz (General Counsel, National Voting Institute), Steve Rosenfeld (Producer, Air America Radio), and Shawnta Walcott (Communications Director, Zogby International). Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell has been invited to attend.
The term ‘hearing’ is technically not accurate in this matter, as Conyers and his fellow Representatives will be holding this forum without the blessing of the Republican Majority leader of the Judiciary Committee. Staffers from the Minority office at the Judiciary Committee describe the event as a ‘Members Briefing.’ That having been said, this event will be a hearing by every meaningful definition of the word. Expert testimony will be offered, and a good deal of data on potential fraud previously unreported to the public will be discussed and examined at length. (emphasis added)
The hearing came together thanks to a confluence of events, and through the work of like-minded individuals who are deeply concerned about the allegations of vote fraud in the Ohio Presidential election. Tim Carpenter and Kevin Spidel, along with other members of Progressive Democrats of America, went to Washington DC to speak with the Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee about the need for an investigation into these allegations. They found Rep. Conyers, his fellow Judiciary Democrats, and their staffers already working on assembling such an investigation.
The core of what Conyers and his fellow Minority members will be discussing at this hearing can be found in the letter below, which was sent by the Minority office to Ohio Secretary of State Blackwell on 02 December. In the letter, Conyers, along with Reps. Watt, Nadler and Baldwin, outline a broad and detailed series of questions and concerns about the manner in which the Ohio election took place.
Call (202-737-3220) and email C-SPAN.
Tell them you want continuous coverage of this hearing.
Find your members of Congress HERE. Call them!
Tell them to show their commitment to restoring our faith in American Democracy.
Tell them you want them at the entirety of the hearing.
Note that calls are much more effective than emails for getting the attention of Congress people.
Spread the word! Jam the phone lines! Let the Congress know we care about this!
I have advocated boycotts since 1998 calling for people to boycott Republican donors or companies who stand by and let the Republican Party adversely affect a large amount of people in this country. I advocate voting and writing letters to make your views known and to put people in offices from local to federal, but those two activities only make up part of what you can do. Very often when you buy a product or service some of your money gets funneled to the Republican Party and their candidates, not only before elections but to lobbyists who affect legislation. The money that came from you gets used to affect legislation in many cases against your interests.
When you group together with many thousands of people to boycott a company and set conditions for the purchase of their products you can make a stronger statement than just if you write letters. Frederick Douglass said that those in power will not concede power unless you make a strong demand of those in power. When you boycott with thousands of other people you make a strong demand and legally threaten the financial wellbeing of a company that must either lobby for us for our progressive agenda or suffer financially to a large degree. If you want to legally influence legislation 365 days a year with a strong effort please read my action plans below to increase the minimum wage, repeal and replace the meager Republican prescription drug law with an 80 percent coverage of medication within Medicare Part B, and extension of unemployment benefits for those people who still seek work but whose benefits expired after 6 months which Republicans refuse to extend.
Do you want to extend unemployment benefits for those who still seek work after 6 months and increase the minimum wage to 10 dollars an hour? Do you want to stop social security privatization and remove the taxable income cap that funds social security that will keep social security solvent?
Do you want to repeal the Republican 20 percent discount prescription drug benefit and replace it with an 80 percent coverage Democratic prescription drug benefit under Medicare Part B with no extra premiums, deductibles, means test or coverage gap?
Posted by: buckfush | Wednesday, December 08, 2004 at 11:59 AM
In order to force the secretaries of state to call for new presidential elections in Ohio and Florida, pick a well known company in each state of Ohio and Florida and boycott these companies. call these companmies and demand that they get their secretary of state to call for a new election or go bankrupt because we will not do business with them.
send suggestions of a big well known company in Ohio and Florida to boycott to
[email protected]
Posted by: buckfush | Wednesday, December 08, 2004 at 12:03 PM